Book Reviews & Testimonials

“This book is absolutely amazing! As I was reading the prologue I was right there on the shore of Galilee with Jesus and His disciples. It's a captivating beginning to an awe-inspiring book. Rich is a very gifted writer and has a unique and true understanding of Christianity.”

Charlie Campbell – St. Helens, Oregon

“The testimonies in this book are mind-bending. I have never heard of anyone being healed of AIDS. I was riveted to this book from the first page.  I have to say, I have known Rich for over a decade and the first time I ever had the opportunity to have him pray for me was one of the most powerful experiences in my life. This man knows God and this book is proof of that!”

Frank Capone – Deer Park, New York

“The testimonies in this book are exact accounts...they are written just as they occurred. Soon after Rich experienced the call to salvation, He laid his hands on me and prayed for me. I was instantly delivered from twenty-five years of alcoholism. It has now been over thirty-five years and I have not touched a drop since! This man is intimate with God and has a unique gift to both pray and write: He knows how to move in the gifts of the Spirit and this book testifies to that!”

Robert Whalen – Fort Myers, Florida

“It is such an honor to read about the testimonies in this book and how God first delivered Rich from the effects of drug addiction and then used him mightily to work miracles for the Lord. The way God used him to pray for my granddaughter and release a bonafide miracle to close up the hole in her heart will never be forgotten…especially after he rebuked the devil and she vomited out a plum pit.  You don't see that every day!”

Kathleen Whalen – Fort Myers, Florida

“This book brought me to tears…especially the part about how Rich prayed for my parents and their marriage was completely restored. They recently celebrated their 60th anniversary thanks to God’s intervention. Just as the story in this book unfolds, I dropped him off at church on Labor Day weekend of 1985 and he walked out the door over three hours later a totally transformed man. If the presence and power of God can transform my brother…He can change anyone.”

Kathleen Krieger – North Fort Myers, Florida